Tips on how Interventional Pain Management can help chronic back pain.

There are several different therapies that may provide relief for chronic back pain. The type of treatment offered generally depends on where the pain originates. Below are some common conditions:
If your back pain travels from your neck to your limbs, your best option may be to have an epidural steroid injection between the spinal canal and the spinal cord. The corticosteroid acts as an anti-inflammatory on the pinched or compressed nerve roots, thereby preventing pain signals from traveling to the brain. It takes between two to seven days for the treatment to take effect, although pain cessation could last for months.
The sacroiliac joint forms part of the pelvis, and may be subject to pain and inflammation. Chronic pain in this area can be treated with a corticosteroid. During an X-ray guided procedure, medication is injected directly into the SI joint to manage lower back pain.
The facet joints are fixed on both sides of each spinal vertebrae, allowing the spine to bend and twist. When impaired due to injury or a degenerative condition, the joints rub against each other, resulting in pain and inflammation. Corticosteroid injections can help relieve the discomfort, but are generally not considered a long-term solution. Instead, the treatment is used to halt pain so you can complete physical therapy to address the underlying condition.
If you are interested in Interventional Pain Management, Dr. Malone at Elite Rehab is here to help. Contact our office at 772-978-7808.
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